Study about the Network IP :-

Networks provide communication between computing devices. To communicate properly, all computer (hosts) on a networkneed to use the same communication protocols. An Internet Protocol network is a network of computerusing Internet Protocol for their communication protocol.

All computer within an IP network must have an IP address that uniquely identifies that individual host. An Internet Protocol-based network (an IP Network) is a group of hosts that share a common physical connection and that use Internet Protocol for network layer communication. The IP addresses in an IP network are contiguous, that is, one address follows right after the other with no gaps.

Address Types in an IP Network:-

Within a given range of IP addresses used in every IP network are special addresses reserved for
In addition, a IP network has a subnet mask. The subnet mask is a value stored one each computerthat allows that computer to identify which IP addresses are within the network to which they are attached, and which IP addresses are on an outside network.

Host address:-

:-A host's IP address is the address of a specific host on an IP network. All hosts on a network must have a unique IP address. This IP address is usually not the first or the last IP address in the range of network IP addresses as the first IP address and last IP address in the range of IP addresses are reserved for special functions. The host addresses are all the addresses in the IP network range of IP addresses except the first and last IP addresses. Host IP addresses allow network hostst to establish one-to-one direct communication. This one-to-one communication is referred to as unicastcommunication.
NOTE:-All host IP addresses can be split into two parts: a network part and a host part.

Network Address

The network address is the first IP address in the range of IP addresses. To be more precise, the network address is the address in which all binary bits in the host portion of the IP address are set to zero. The purpose of the Network Address is to allow hosts that provide special network services to communicate. In practice, the network address is rarely used for communication.

Broadcast Address

The broadcast IP address is the last IP address in the range of IP addresses. To be more precise, the broadcast address is the IP address in which all binary bits in the host portion of the IP address are set to one. The broadcast address is reserved and allows a single host to make an announcement to all hosts on the network. This is called broadcast communication and the last address in a network is used for broadcasting to all hosts because it is the address where the host portion is all ones. This special address also sometimes called the all hosts address. 

Understand: what is an IP Address | What Does it LOOK like ? 

In this short video clip animation you will be knowing some basics about IP address and Subnet mask. IP or Internet Protocol is a part of TCP/IP protocol suit.You can assign Private IP to devices in your home. Your ISP can provide you with a unique IP called Public IP so that you can access Internet.You will also see a visual animation of how data packet transfers from source to destination or simply, how packets travel on network!.


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